Yang Terhormat Mr Trump,
Saya Mohamad Sohibul Iman, Presiden Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Republik Indonesia.
Kami mengikuti dengan seksama peristiwa di Palestina, khususnya isu Yerusalem (Al-Quds) yang sangat sensitif. Yerusalem (Al-Quds) bagi Muslim di dunia adalah tanah suci yang tidak ada negosiasi sama sekali. Posisi Yerusalem sama dengan Mekkah.
Yerusalem (Al-Quds) dahulu aman dan tenteram. Sebelum penjajahan Inggris pada Palestina, pada 1914, jumlah penduduk Yerusalem (Al-Quds) dan sekitar ialah 120 ribu, terdiri dari 70 ribu Muslim, 32 ribu Kristen, sisanya Yahudi. Hanya ada 15 % Yahudi di sekitar Yerusalem (Al-Quds). Di wilayah Palestina lainnya, warga keturunan Yahudi kurang dari 10%. Baru setelah Inggris mendukung imigrasi Yahudi Eropa ke Palestina, jumlah ini meningkat.
Wajar jika pendirian Negara Israel di Palestina itu memicu konflik, kebencian, dan perpecahan selama lebih dari 70 tahun. Anda pasti sangat paham, tidak satupun negara bisa menjanjikan akan memberikan tanah yang bukan milik mereka pada warga pendatang, seperti yang dilakukan Inggris melalui Deklarasi Balfour pada Zionist Yahudi. Tidak ada hukum internasional yang menerima ini. Dengan demikian, peristiwa-peristiwa di Palestina sangat terkait dengan isu penjajahan, kemanusiaan, selain keagamaan.
Sebenarnya, kami berharap Anda, Presiden Amerika Serikat, tidak menjadikan konflik tersebut lebih buruk lagi. Kami berharap, Anda akan benar-benar mempertimbangkan apapun sikap dan pernyataan terkait Palestina khususnya Yerusalem (Al-Quds).
Namun, sangat disayangkan, pernyataan Anda secara sepihak terkait Yerusalem (Al-Quds) pada Rabu (6/12) telah menghancurkan usaha perdamaian di Tanah Palestina yang sedang diperjuangkan. Pernyataan Anda jelas bertentangan dengan berbagai perjanjian dan kesepakatan internasional yang berlaku terhadap eksistensi Yerusalem (Al-Quds). Anda telah merusak aturan main dunia internasional, melecehkan otoritas PBB, merobek-robek rasa keadilan, dan melukai nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, serta menodai wajah peradaban manusia.
Apa yang Anda lakukan dengan mengakui Yerusalem (Al-Quds) sebagai Ibukota Israel merupakan legalisasi atas terorisme Israel terhadap Palestina dan deklarasi permusuhan kepada Umat Islam di seluruh dunia.
Demi perdamaian dan kemanusiaan, kami menuntut Anda untuk segera menarik kembali pernyataan Anda.
Kami, Muslim Indonesia, dan juga Muslim di dunia, akan terus mendukung perjuangan pembebasan tanah Palestina dari penjajahan Zionis Israel, dan hak kembali Rakyat Palestina kepada rumah dan tanah mereka.
Dear Mr. Trump, President of USA
I am Mohamad Sohibul Iman, the President of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) of the Republic of Indonesia. We have been following closely the events in Palestine, especially the highly sensitive issue of Jerusalem (Al-Quds).
Jerusalem (Al-Quds) for Muslims all over the world is a holy land where there is no room for negotiation at all whatsoever. When the Muslims ruled Jerussalem, the holy land, Jews and Christians were safe and secure to follow their faith and practice their rituals as well as Muslims.
Before the British occupation of Palestine, in 1914, the population of Jerusalem (Al-Quds) and its surrounding was 120 thousand, composed of 70,000 Muslims, 32,000 Christians, and the remaining were Jewish.
There were only 15% of Jews around Jerusalem (Al-Quds). In other Palestinian territories, Jewish citizens were less than 10%. Only after Britain supported European Jewish immigration to Palestine, these numbers increased.
It came as no surprise that the establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine had triggered conflict, hatred, and divisions for more than 70 years.
Surely, you know very well that no countries in the world can promise to give land that they do not own to immigrants, which the British exactly did through the Balfour Declaration to Jewish Zionists.
There is no international law that would accept this. Thus, events in Palestine are so related to the issue of colonization, humanity, as well as religion.
As a matter of fact, we hope you, President of the United States, do not make the conflict worse. We hope, you will really consider any stances and statements related to Palestine, especially Jerusalem (Al-Quds).
Unfortunately, your unilateral statement regarding Jerusalem (Al-Quds) on Wednesday (the 6th of December) has destroyed the peace effort in the occupied land of Palestine.
Your statement clearly contradicts the various international treaties and agreements concerning the existence of Jerusalem (Al-Quds).
You have violated the rules of the international world, disrespected the authority of the United Nations, shocked the sense of justice to the core, harmed the humanity, and spoilt the face of human civilization.
What you have done by acknowledging Jerusalem (Al-Quds) as the Capital of Israel is nothing but the legalization of Israeli terrorism against Palestine and the declaration of hostility to Muslims throughout the world.
For the sake of peace and humanity, we demand you to immediately withdraw your statement.
We, Indonesian Muslims, as well as Muslims in other parts of the world, will continue to support peace processes and the struggle for the liberation of Palestinian land from the Israeli Zionist occupation, as well as the Palestinian right to return to their homeland.
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